Chronic Illness Hotline

Chronic Illness Hotline

Text “care” to 202-596-6520 

Because we are an all-volunteer program, please use the calendar below to see what time each day our Compassion Counselors are returning text messages.

We are a nationwide support text line for anyone with a chronic illness.

This hotline is user-defined, meaning that the person who is texting in is in charge of what “chronic illness” means. It can include injuries, conditions, or pain. It can be before or after an official diagnosis. 

To calculate your anticipated wait time,
Compassion Counselors respond to text messages during “open” hours shown on the calendar below. 

*check the time zone shown at the bottom of the calendar; click on TODAY button if it has defaulted to a prior date.

We provide a listening ear for those with chronic illness during the current pandemic and beyond. 

We give a safe place to vent negatives, celebrate positives, practice advocating, build a journey story, set goals, help identify resources, and much more. 

We are looking forward to one day providing telephone calls, however, as of right now we are a text only service. 

Please follow us on social media. Liking and sharing is a great way to help spread the word of Chronic Illness Hotline to all of those who need our services. 

You can support us by volunteering and donating.
To do either, please email
For more information, please click Support.

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