Chronic Illness Hotline

Inspiring Others: An ongoing Call for Submissions

We are looking to share your story on our blog & social media! Each of us holds a piece of the puzzle that will help others along on the chronic illness emotional healing journey. We are looking to feature stories, triumphs, changes for the better, art created, videos, podcasts, or any form of media you feel shares you the best.

The 3 things we’d like you to consider including while sharing are
1. Emotions common to everyone experiencing health issues
2. How the chronic illness hotline could/can help you during your health disparity journey
3. What positive things you learned about yourself/talent developed out of your health struggles

It doesn’t have to be all 3 – or any but these are baseline ideas that may help others be inspired.

To submit, email with the subject “blog post” to
Please include all of your social media contacts & websites you would like shared in your feature

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